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George Michael Uledi.
April 4,2023.

While the country is teaming up for the preparation of the next Tanzania Development VISION 2025 toward 2050,I found it is paramount to caution the process ahead of this critical National mission!

When I was launching the idea of having The Tanzania Think Tank,my aim was to see how far our dream we as Youth generation would be given attention in the coming National Development programs!

Here are some of the critical cross-cutting issues which we expect our National Development VISION toward 2050 will not dare leave behind in the process;

I.How far our question of transition from the predominantly Tanzania Agro-Society to the Semi-Urban knowledge based economy by 2050 will be realized?Our team should know that rural transformation is key now than ever.

II.How far the issue of National Security investment is going to occupy top agenda in the process as a tool to the realization of other national development agenda especially out of our borders?(Economic Imperialism).

III.Whom we are planning to overtake economically in Africa Continent?if not at Continental level then it should be at least the regional level.If we have decided to ask the question of when(2050) and what(TDV) then the next step should be whom to beat.(Which National).What is our road map to the realization of this flagship mission?

IV.Where do we fix our Universities and Research bodies in this top national agenda?.What will be the role of local innovation elites in the process of attaining goals of vision 2050?The recently Harris Kamala visit to our local innovators in Mikocheni area should be a walk-up call to our policy makers!

V.How far issues of Resource Nationalism will be seriously articulated, driven and realized to achieve the broad agenda of National Development VISION of 2025/2050?We need to re-ask how far our FDI’s policies assures our long term national economic independence and sustainability plans!

I thought these are some of critical agenda to be brought on table to the National Development VISION 2025/2050 preparation team ahead of this serious National assignment!


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